Welcome to my web site!

Tyler William Schulz

I've been real busy the last 9 months, what with all the growing and rolling around I was required to do.  Finally, on  September 10, 2002 at 1:29PM I was able to get myself born so I could show off the results of all the hard work Mom and I put forth.  I've got to admit though, I'm just plumb tuckered out so I've been catching some serious shuteye.  Dad was holding me in our room and it felt just right.  I think I made Mom and Dad proud and happy.

I heard they're going to spring me out of this place on Thursday and we'll be heading home.  I can hardly wait to see my room and all the new stuff.  This is gonna be great and Grandma Dottie is staying on for a couple of weeks just to make sure I get enough attention and stuff like that.  I also heard we have a cat.  Hmmm, wonder if he'll like me.

Well, I've only got a couple of photo's so far but I'm willing to share them with you.  Take a look by clicking on Birth and come back often for an update.  I can hardly wait to meet you all in person.

Love and kisses,

Tyler William Schulz

PS:  If you want to drop me a note you can use Mom & Dad's e-mail address which is  brent_schulz2001@yahoo.com


*This page was last updated on 12/17/07 by Grandpa Schulz.  His e-mail is bill_schulz@yahoo.com

*Music is Schumann's "About Foreign Places and People"